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About our Prep Grammar

Student Success is our Priority

We reocgnise that every student has a unique personality and we work with them to tailor their studies to their individual learning style, and this is what makes us stand out from other schools - we are a prep school that offers a Grammar style education to help students succeed whilst they're with us and beyond. 

Our school makes use of a robust curriculum that's academically rigorous and enables a clear route into the very best senior schools. Our pupils consistently achieve excellent results in their 11+, which is a result of their hard work and our inclusive and supportive atmosphere.

We also have specialist classrooms including science labs, art and design studios and dedicated ICT facilities as well as an extensive library. 

Pupils regarded as gifted and talented, as well as those assessed for having learning difficulties, are supported and challenged, and our small class sizes enable teachers to devote time and attention to identifying pupils' individual needs.