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A School of Research and Development

We foster a culture of research and development and organise regular visits to places of cultural, historical, geographical and scientific significance as well as to theatres both locally and in and around Manchester.

Spanish is taught throughout the school and French is introduced from Year Four. In the Autumn Term, the school hosts a ‘Languages Day’ where children learn about the different cultures of a variety of European countries.

Music is also important and your child will be offered individual or small group tuition from instrument specialists in keyboards, drums and guitar. Skills developed throughout the year are showcased at our annual 'Performing Arts Concert' in the Spring Term.

There are many opportunities for your child to experience working with professional artists, musicians and theatre groups in school through our community links.

The school also holds an annual art exhibition where every child contributes a framed piece of art to display which is always popular. The exhibition is open to all parents, friends and family, so do come along!