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An ideal space to learn

Rather than the depressingly functional settings that nurseries often become, we have designed our spaces to feel like a familiar, safe and happy home-from-home. Our welcoming nursery environment is filled with beautiful toys and resources as well as people who genuinely care.

In these spaces, our children immediately feel secure, and this means they rapidly engage with our dedicated educators who look after their every need as they take their first steps in learning.


An ideal space to play

A playful introduction to education at this age is central to creating a lifelong effortless relationship with learning and achieving.

Thoughtfully developed by our early years experts, our environment helps shape young minds through a wide range of stimulating learning opportunities. The surroundings are tailored to inspire through exploration, discovery and creativity and we aimed to create a balance of independence and gentle guidance towards becoming effective learners.


An ideal space to grow

The nursery years are witness to a phenomenal transition from dependence to independence and we focus carefully on each element of this explosive time of growth. We help children move from:

  • Crawling to running and jumping
  • First words to conversations
  • Playing alone to playing with friends
  • Mark-making to writing

As well as all the other essential skills such as dressing, eating and using the bathroom!

Physical, emotional and social development at this age starts with nurturing children’s confidence and security. Developing the resilience to happily try again is core to our approach and we look forward to sharing the joy of witnessing your child’s steps forward with you.