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Nursery and School Fees

Surprisingly affordable fees

We are trying to make private education more affordable for the people of Chadderton, Oldham and the surrounding areas. You can give your child a great start in life for less than you may think.

Fees for 2024/2025


Little Gems Nursery Fees (2 - 3 Years)

Session Fees
Full day (7:30am to 5:30pm) £60
Monthly Fee (this is based on a full-time place) £1,250


Year Group Termly Fees (inc VAT where applicable)*
Pre-School £3,090
Reception to Year 6 £3,090


Wraparound Care

Session Fees
Breakfast Club (from 7:30am) £5.00
Stay and Play Club (up to 5:30pm) £5.00 per session 

For more information about our Wraparound Care, please click here.

About our Nursery and Pre-school Fees 

We are pleased to offer funding for 2 to 4 years old subject to availability.

2 year olds: Families can receive 15 hours of funded working parent childcare  for children aged 2 years+. 

3 & 4 year olds: Families can receive 15 & 30 hours of funded childcare for children aged 3 years+.

The funded hours are provided across 38 weeks during term time. For 15 hours you must do a minimum of 3 days. For 30 hrs, you must do a minimum of 5 days. 

Please click here for more information about our Nursery.

Additional Charges 

We carefully structure our timetable in order to help parents maximise their 30 free hours funding. However, in order to enjoy the full Preparatory School benefits, additional charges are made for specialist, high-quality teaching provision including Dance, MFL, Games, Swimming and other visiting specialists. Additional charges also apply to those teaching hours which fall outside the minimum funding provision.

About Funding 

 *Your child will automatically receive 15 hours funding the term following their 3rd birthday.  To claim the additional 15 hours, you will need to visit to check your eligibility and apply.

Deductions are made from the school fees on qualifying for the 15 hour or 30 hour free childcare entitlement, once an eligibility code has been obtained from 30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (

Please contact the office for further details, who will be happy to talk you through the process.

*Our fees are all inclusive in line with our terms and conditions, please click here.