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Early Years Learning Goals

Assessment is ongoing throughout the EYFS (Nursery and Reception) but the official EYFS Profile for each child is completed in the final term of Reception. The assessment takes place through teacher observation (which is moderated by our local L.E.A each year) of children’s learning and development as they take part in everyday activities and planned observations, where teachers spend time on a specific task with an individual child or small group. These observations also allow the staff to develop an environment which enriches the children’s play and helps them to progress in each area of learning.

Children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) in each area of learning. These outline the level of learning and development that children are expected to have reached by the end of the reception year at school.

At the Chadderton, 100% of our pupils achieved a good level of development in all 7 goals, in some cases far above the national average. Linked below are a series of graphs, by each area of assessment, showing The Chadderton (in blue) percentage of attainment against the national average (in orange), together with a table showing our results.

Early Years Learning Goals 2018-2019.